Strange New Attractor, an Exhibition by the DMS Community – Davis ArtAbout
This past Friday, September 13, Davis Makerspace presented “Strange New Attractor”, an exhibition featuring displays from the newly formed community of builders, hackers and artists.
During this Friday’s ArtAbout, the Makerspace exhibited a collection of work that has been crafted, bended, and programmed by local artists. Featured pieces included an LED lighting fixture by Alia Tsang, a work that uses Arduino to bathe the space in temperature responsive mood lighting. Jeff Tolentino showed a collection of hand-built and decorated Okedo style drums. Artist Emily Schleiner presented an installation entitled “Walking”, a sculpture that causes words on the topic of time-travel to climb around walls. Biology influenced artist Anna Davidson displayed canvases that use a palette of fungus as visuals, and Tim Kerbavaz created a photo booth that captured dimensional animated images of visitors to the space.
The photo booth captured images as “jitter 3D” animated GIF pictures, which were emailed out to the subjects of the photograph.
Here are some of our favorites of those images.