2021-11-01 DMS General Meeting

Meeting Contents

Roll Call

Jeff L.
Emily S.

Items added to Agenda

  • Request for advice on furniture for future laser printer
  • Repair Cafe Nov 11th in the public library’s parking lot
    • Bill’s Air Filtration/Measuring workshop
  • Elections are coming up in December

Officer Reports

  • President: No update.
  • Treasury: No update.

Old Business

  • From previous meeting:
    • The software that our Davis Makerspace Wiki runs on is deprecated. This can wait until we find a good replacement.
    • Communication with Davis Public Library re: tools that can be circulated. Was there more information on this?

New Business

  • Question has come from Crista asking which furniture would be best for a laser cutter, but answering this question requires knowledge of the laser cutter itself. We’d need to know: what kind of laser cutter will we get? What is the budget for the laser cutter? More communication with the library is needed. Emily will write to them.
  • An additional 7k has been allotted for the laser cutter and resin 3D printer at the library. Jeff from the library says to submit requests for additional needed items / accessories that come up. (Examples include: ventilation.)
  • The repair cafe is scheduled for Nov. 13th, 11am – 3pm in the library parking lot. Emily, Bill, and Julie will be there for much of the time.
    • During the repair cafe, Bill will work on a practice Air Filtration/Measuring device using raspberry pis or arduinos, and getting ready for a future workshop taking place after the holidays.
    • Crista made this Event Poster for the Nov 11 Repair Cafe (PDF). Everyone please distribute!
  • Officer Elections are happening at the next Davis Makerspace General Meeting. Next meeting we will vote on the following:
    • Changing the required member and board-member quorum to a smaller numbers in the bylaws so that official Davis Makerspace business can proceed.
    • Now is the time for everyone to announce their intention to run for office positions on the board. The below positions will need to be filled. So far those interested are:
      • President:
      • Treasure:
      • Secretary:
      • Non-office board member
    • All those interested in board and office positions must announce their interest before Nov. 29th 2021.
    • If board members have not shown up for recent meetings, they can be removed from office.
    • A ‘board only’ meeting needs to be created to ask if board members would like to retain their seats. Emily will do this.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm